B, Katia - So deixo meu coraçao na mao de guem pode
**** |
Block, Rory - I'm every woman
*** |
B, Katia - Mais uma / One more shot ****½ |
Block, Rory - Last fair deal
****½ |
Baartmans, B.J. - Ghostwriter -
8 |
Block, Rory - The lady and Mr. Johnson
***½ |
Baba Zula - Roots ** |
Block, Rory - Hardluck child: a tribute
to Skip James
8+ |
Baba Zula - Istanbul sokaklan -
8½ |
Block, Rory - Keepin' outta trouble, a
tribute to Bukka White
8½ |
Baby Dee - Safe inside the day ***½ |
Blok, Rory - A woman's soul, a tribute
to Bessie Smith
9 |
Babyface - Grown & sexy **** |
Bløf - Omarm
***½ |
Babyshambles - Down in Albion *** |
Bløf - Umoja
****½ |
Baca, Susana - Lamento negro **** |
Bløf - Aan
8 |
Baca, Susana - Travesias ****½ |
Blom, Pip - Welcome break
8 |
Back Porch Republic - Hustle & flow -
9 |
Blomqvist, Rasmus - Columbia road
8 |
Bäckstrand, Tobias - Heal & harrow -
7 |
Bloodhounds, The - Let's loose
9+ |
Backstreet Boys - Never gone ** |
Bloom, Luka - Before sleep comes
**** |
Backtrack Blues Band - Way back home -
8½ |
Bloom, Luka - Tribe
**** |
Backtrack Blues Band - Way back home -
8 |
Bloom, Luka - Frugalisto
8 |
Bad Plus, The - Prog ****½ |
Bloom, Luka - Bittersweet crimson
9 |
Badly Drawn Boy - One plus one is one ***½ |
Blu Cantrell - Bittersweet
** |
Badu, Erykah - Mama's gun ****½ |
Bluai - Save it for later
9 |
Badu, Erykah - New Amerykah, part 1 *** |
Blue - Guilty *** |
Baez, Joan - Joan Baez -
9½ |
Blue Highway - Marbletown ***½ |
Baez, Joan - Baptism *** |
Blue Merle - Burning in the sun ****½ |
Baez, Joan - Whistle down the wind -
8 |
Blue Nile, The - Hats **** |
Baggili, Karim - Lea & Kash -
10 |
Blue Rodeo - Small miracles ***½ |
Bahorka Tarsulat - Pletykazo asszonyok -
9 |
Blue Poets, The - All it takes -
8 |
Baier, Sibylle - Colour freen **** |
Bluehm, Nicki - Avondale drive
8½ |
Bailey, Elles - Wildfire -
8½ |
Blues Explosion - Helpless
***½ |
Bailey, Victoria - Jesus, red wine & Patsy Cline -
9 |
Blues Karloff - Light and shade -
8 |
Baiman, Rachel - Common nation of sorrow -
9 |
Blues Overdrive, The - Clinch!
8½ |
Baird, Meg - Don't weigh down the light -
9 |
Blues Pills - Blues Pills
7½ |
Baird, Meg - Furling -
9 |
Blues Pills - Lady in gold
8 |
Baird & Mary Lattimore, Meg - Ghost forests -
8 |
Blufpand, Roos - Hoe dan
8 |
Baizan, Jordi - Free and fine -
8 |
Blufpand, Roos - Kleed me uit
8 |
Baizan, Jordi - The love in you -
8 |
Blunt, James - Back to Bedlam
**** |
Baker, Anita - Rapture ****½ |
Blunt, James - All the lost souls
**½ |
Baker, Anita - Giving you the best that I've got **** |
Blur - Think tank
**½ |
Baker, Anita - Compositions ****½ |
Blythe, Victoria - Silver flyer
8 |
Baker, Anita - My everything *** |
Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
***½ |
Baker, Julien - Sprained ankle -
9½ |
Boards of Canada - The campfire headphase
****½ |
Baker, Julien - Turn out the lights -
9½ |
Bob, Douwe - Born to win, born to lose
8 |
Baker, Julien - Little oblivious -
9 |
Bob, Douwe - Where did all the cool kids
8½ |
Baker, Sam - Pretty world ****½ |
Bocelli, Andrea - Sentimento
*** |
Baker, Sam - Land of doubt -
9 |
Bocelli, Andrea - Andrea
***½ |
Bakken, Rebekka - I keep my cool **** |
Bocelli, Andrea - Amore *** |
Balint, Eszter - Mud **** |
Bohck, Naima - Below a massive dark land
- 8½ |
Balint, Eszter - Airless midnight -
8½ |
Bodilsen, Jesper - Short stories for
dreamers -
9½ |
Balkan Taksim - Disko telegraf -
8 |
Bodinrocker - Eye to eye
8 |
Ballerini, Kelsea - Unapologetically -
9 |
Boeije - Uit gewoonte en bijgeloof
8 |
Ballerini, Kelsea - Subject to change -
9 |
Boeijen, Fank - Land van belofte
8½ |
Balthazar - Fever -
8 |
Boeijen, Fank - Palermo
8½ |
Bamboos, The - Medicine man -
10 |
Bogguss, Suzy - Swing
****½ |
Banco De Gaia - You are here
** |
Bogguss, Suzy - Lucky
7½ |
Band Of Gold - Where is the magic -
8½ |
Bohler, Kaye - Handle the curves
- 8½ |
Band Of Horses - Thinhs are great -
8½ |
Boine, Mari - Idjagiedas
***** |
Bangles - Doll revolution
**** |
Bokanté - Strange circles
- 8½ |
Banhart, Devendra - Cripple crow
**** |
Bokanté + Metropole Orkest - What heat
- 9 |
Banhart, Devendra - Smokey rolls down thunder canyon
****½ |
Bolger, Paul J - Hard truth
- 8 |
Banhart, Devendra - Ape in pink marble
8 |
Boling, C. Daniel - These houses
- 8½ |
Banks - Goddess
- 7½ |
Boling, C. Daniel - New old friends
- 8 |
Banks - The Altar
- 8 |
Bolt, Sofia - Vendredi minuit
- 8 |
Barber, Jill - For all time
****½ |
Bolton, Michael - Only a woman like you
*** |
Barber, Jill - Fool's gold
8½ |
Boman, Alice - The space betwee
- 8½ |
Barber, Jill - Homemaker
9 |
Bombara, Beth - It all goes up
9 |
Barber, Matthew and Jill - The family album
8½ |
Bombino - Azel
9 |
Barber, Patricia - Mythologies
**** |
Bombino - Deran
9 |
Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra - Del Ebro al danubio
9½ |
Bombino - Sahel
8½ |
Bardo, Julia - Bauhaus, l'Appartamento
8½ |
Bon Iver - 22, a Million
8 |
Barenaked Ladies - Maroon **** |
Bon Jovi - Have a nice day
***½ |
Barker, Emily - A dark murmaration of words -
9 |
Bon, Cate Le - Reward
- 8½ |
Barnes, Cheryl - Listen to this
- 7½ |
Bonamassa, Joe - You & me
**** |
Barnes, Ilene - Time **** |
Bonamassa, Joe - Sloe gin
**** |
Barnes, Marjorie - Both sides now -
9 |
Bonamassa, Joe - Black rock
- 9½ |
Barris, Sally - Little voice **** |
Bonamassa, Joe - An acoustic evening at the Vienna
- 9½ |
Barry, Jeb - Milltown -
8 |
Bond - Classified
***½ |
Barsi, Eli - Portrait of a cowgirl -
8 |
Bond, Paul - Sunset blues
8 |
Bartees Strange - Farm to table -
9 |
Bonefish - Where do we belong
8 |
Barth, Lauren - Forager -
9 |
Bonet, Deni - Bright shiny objects
8 |
Barth, Lauren - Stormwaiting -
8½ |
Bonet, Maria del Mar - Amic, amar
***** |
Bartoli, Cecilia - The Art of Cecilia
****½ |
Bongomatik - Espanderland
8 |
Bartoli, Cecilia - The Salieri album ***** |
Bonham, Tracy - Blink the brightest
**** |
Bartoli, Cecilia - Opera proibita **** |
Bonham, Tracy - Modern burdens
8 |
Bartolomew. Annie - Sisters of white chappel -
9 |
Bonneville, Ray - King electric
8 |
Barwick, Julianna - Will
- 7½ |
Bonnie Prince Billy - Master & everyone
****½ |
Basile, Al - Mid-century modern
- 8 |
Bonnie Prince Billy - Superwolf
***½ |
Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash - Mile markers **** |
Bonny Light Horseman - Bonny Light Horseman
- 9½ |
Bastos, Waldemar - Renacence ****½ |
Boogaard, André van den - Dark swing
8 |
Bat For Lashes - The bride
- 8½ |
Boom, Marij van den - Door de straten
8 |
Bataan, Joe - Call my name
***½ |
Boomkat - Boomkatalog one
***½ |
Battiata & Little Pink - The heart, regardless
- 8½ |
Boortz, Jeff - Half the time
8 |
Batto, Paul - Lonesome road
- 8 |
Booth, Bill - River town
8 |
Battles - Mirrored ** |
Booth, Tim - Bone
*** |
Batts - The Nightline
- 9 |
Borges, Sarah - Silver city
**** |
Bau - Cape Verdian melancholy *** |
Borges, Sarah - Sweetheart radio
8 |
Baucke, Julia - Never too soon **** |
Boria - Any place but now
9 |
Bauer, Matt - Dream's end
- 9 |
Boris - Rely on me
***½ |
Bavota & Chantal Acda, Bruno - Hysteria
- 9 |
Boris - Holy pleasure
**** |
Baxter, Rayland - Wide awake
- 8 |
Born 53 - A talent unrecognized
8 |
Baxter, Rayland - If I was a butterfly
- 8 |
Borneman, Robin - Folklore III-The cradle tree
8 |
Baxter, Tom - Skybound ***½ |
Borneman, Robin - Flora
8 |
Bayir, Olcay - Neva/Harmony
- 8½ |
Bos, Stef - Donker en licht
**** |
Beach Boys, The - That's why god made the radio
- 9½ |
Bos, Stef - Ruimtevaarder
****½ |
Beach House - Teen dream
- 9½ |
Bos, Stef - Mooie waanzinnige wereld
8+ |
Beady Belle -
Cewbeagappic **** |
Bos, Stef - Bitterlief
9 |
Beady Belle - Closer
****½ |
Boste, Cyndi - Scrambled eggs
**** |
Beady Belle - Belvedere
- 9½ |
Bostick, Ben - Hellfire
8 |
Beady Belle - On my own
- 9 |
Botman, Helene - i.sing
8½ |
Beady Belle - Dedication
- 9 |
Botti, Chris - When I fall in love
*** |
Bea, Martha - When shadow return to the sea
- 9 |
Botti, Chris - To love again
*** |
Beauford, Johnny - Just a little pick me up
- 8 |
Bottleneck, Jack - Lost and found
8 |
Beaman, Donald - Fog on mirror glass
- 8 |
Boukou Groove - Let the groove ride
8½ |
Beardfish - Destined solitaire
- 9½ |
Bovio, Marcela - Unprescedented
8½ |
Bear's Den - Red earth & pouring rain
- 8½ |
Bowers, Kris - Heroes + misfits
9 |
Beasty Boys - To the 5 boroughs
**** |
Bowie, David - Young americans
9½ |
Beatles, The - A hard day's night
10 |
Bowie, David - Blackstar
10 |
Beatles, The - Love
****½ |
Boxin' The Vox - Seven white horses
9 |
Beatty, Sarah - Bandit queen
- 7½ |
Boy = Girl - Boy = Girl
8 |
Bea - Girl cried wolf
- 8 |
Boy & Bear - Suck on light
8 |
Bebo & Cigala - Lagrimas negras
****½ |
Boyed, Aaron - Until the end
9 |
Beck - Sea change
*** |
Boyes, Fiona - Voodoo in the shadows
8 |
Beck - Guero ****½ |
Boyes, Fiona - Ramblified
8 |
Beck - The Information
**** |
Bozulich, Carla - Red headed stranger
***½ |
Beck, Jeff - Jeff
***½ |
BR549 - Dogdays
**** |
Beck, Jeff - Emotion & commotion -
9½ |
Bradfpord, Mitch - Close
7½ |
Beck, Robin - Do you miss me
**½ |
Bradley, Charles - Changes
8½ |
Beck, Robin - Livin' on a dream
**½ |
Bradshaw, Pony - Calico Jim
8 |
Beck, Jeff - Emotion & commotion -
8½ |
Brady, Paul - Songbook
** |
Beckley, Gerry - Carousel -
8 |
Brænne, Bendik - The last great country
8 |
Bedford, Ben - The hermit's spyglass -
8½ |
Brahem, Anouar - Blue maqams
9 |
Bedford, Ben - Portraits -
8 |
Brahim, Aziza - Soutak
8 |
Bedingfield, Daniel - Second first impression
*** |
Brakes, Turin - Dark on fire
**** |
Bedingfield, Natasha - Unwritten
*** |
Branco, Cristina - Sensus
***** |
Bedingfield, Natasha - Natasha Bedingfield
***½ |
Branco, Cristina - Ulisses
**** |
Bedouine - Waysides -
9 |
Branco, Cristina - Abril
****½ |
Beenie Man - Back to the basics
**** |
Brandt, Molly - American saga
8 |
Bee's Freedom, Phil - Home
- 8 |
Brazilian Girls - Talk to la
bomb ***½ |
Bees, The - Free the Bees
**** |
Brazilian Girls - Let's make
love - 8 |
Bees, The - Octopus
***½ |
Breakers, The - Here for a
laugh ***½ |
Be Good Tanyas, The - Hello love
***½ |
Breath, The - Carry your kin
9 |
Bedford, Ben - Portraits
- 8 |
Breath, The - Let the cards
9 |
Bee's Freedon, Phil - Caught live
8+ |
Breath, The - Land of my other
9 |
Begil, Karim - Kali city
- 8 |
Breij, Claudia de - Niet alleen
**** |
Beggs, Kim - Streetcar heart / Wanderer's paean
****½ |
Breatnach, Máire - Angels
candles **** |
Bei Bei & shawn Lee - Year of the funky
8½ |
Bremnes, Kari - Norwegian mood
****½ |
Beirut - Gulag Orkestar
**** |
Bremnes, Kari - Over en by
***** |
Beirut - The flying clup cup
***½ |
Brennan, Moya - Two horizons ***½ |
Beirut - Hadsel
8½ |
Brennan, Moya - Signature ***½ |
Bekken & Gjems - Spell
8½ |
Brentsleng - Jammer -
7 |
Belcanto, Guido - Tedere baldadigheden
9 |
Brewster, Jesse - The lonely
pines -
7½ |
Belinfante, Tessa - Fly as we fall
8 |
Brice, Fiona - Postcards from -
9 |
Bell, Lurrie - Can't shake this feeling
8½ |
Brickel, Patrick - (Songs from) The pink sofa **** |
Bell, Nathan - I don't do this for love, I do this for
9 |
Bridges, Leon - Coming home
8½ |
Bell, Nathan - Love > fear (48 hours in traitorland)
9 |
Bridgewater, Dee
Dee - This is new ***** |
Bell, Nathan - Love songs & plains
8½ |
Bridgewater, Dee Dee - J'ai
deux amours *** |
Bell, Olga - Krai
9 |
Bridgewater, Dee Dee - This is
new *** |
Bell, Olga - Tempo
8 |
Bridgewater, Dee Dee - Red
earth **** |
Bell, Vince - Ojo
8 |
Bridgewater, Dee Dee - Dee
Dee's feathers -
7½ |
Belle and Sebastian - Girls in peacetime want to dance
7 |
Bridgers, Phoebe - Stranger in
the Alps - 9½ |
Belle and Sebastian - Push barman to open old wounds
**** |
Bridgers, Phoebe - Punisher -
10 |
Belle and Sebastian - The life pursuit
**** |
Bright Eyes - I''m wide awake,
it's morning ***** |
Belle and Sebastian - Late developers
7½ |
Bright Eyes - Digital ash in a
digital urn ***** |
Belle Perez - Baila Perez
*½ |
Briggs, Anne - The time has come
9 |
Belle Perez - Gotitas de amor
*** |
Briggs, Hattie - Half me half you
9 |
Belle and Sebastian - Dear catastrophe waitress
**** |
Brik, Addie - Loved hungry
***½ |
Belle, Erny - Venus is home -
9 |
Brik, Addie - That dog don' t hurt
8½ |
Belle, Regina - Lazy afternoon
*** |
Briney, Lincoln - Homeward
bound -
7½ |
Bender - Broos
8½ |
Briozo, J. - Deep in the waves
- 8 |
Benedict October - And then the ocean
8½ |
Brisk, Mikki - Distance and miles
**** |
Benét, Eric - Hurricane
***½ |
British Sea Power - Open season
***½ |
Bennett, Tony - The art of romance **** |
Britt, Catherine
- 8½ |
Benny Sings - I love you **** |
Britt, Etta - Etta does Elbert
9- |
Benoit, David - Right here, right now **** |
Broderick, Peter - Partners
- 8½ |
Benoit, Paul - Lost days long nights -
8 |
Broderick, Peter - Blackberry
- 8 |
Benoit, Paul - Beautiful life -
8 |
Broeder Dieleman - Gloria
8 |
Benoit, Tab - Voice of the Wetlands **** |
Broken Bells - Broken Bells
- 9½ |
Benson, Brendan - The alternative to love **** |
Broken Social Scene - Hug of thunder
8 |
Benoit, Brooke - I am the sun -
8 |
Brönner, Till - Oceana
**** |
Benson & Al Jarreau, George - Givin' it up ****½ |
Bronson, Eliot -
Eliot Bronson -
9 |
Berardo and the Desberardos, Chris - Pure faith **** |
Brooke, Jonatha - Steady pull
**** |
Berg Trio, Espen - Bølge -
9 |
Brooke, Jonatha - My mother has 4 noses
8½ |
Berg Trio, Espen - Free to play -
9 |
Brooke, Rachel - The loneliness in me
8 |
Berge, Bjørn - St. Slide
***½ |
Brooks, Colin - Blood and water
***½ |
Berge, Bjørn - Who else?
8 |
Brooks, Danny - Soulsville
**** |
Berge, Bjørn - Heavy gauge
8 |
Brooks, Meredith - Everything must go
**½ |
Berge, Bjørn - Steelfinger Slim
8½ |
Brooks, Steve - I'll take you home
8 |
Bergen, Richard van - Rootbag -
9½ |
Brother Brothers,
The - Calla Lilly -
9 |
Berger, Petra - Mistress **** |
Brother Trucker - Something simple
**½ |
Bergere, Grace - A little blood -
8½ |
Bergfilm - Constants -
5½ |
Brothers Brown - Nowhere left to go
- 8 |
Bergin, Barbara - Blood red moon -
9 |
Broudie, Ian - Tales told
***½ |
Bergman, Amanda - Docks -
8½ |
Brouhaha, Kelly - Kelly Brouhaha
- 8½ |
Bergman, Amanda - Your hand forever
checking on my feever -
9 |
Broussard, Marc - S.O.S.: Save our
soul ****½ |
Bergson Band, Chris - Comforts of home -
8 |
Brown, Carlinhos
- E Carlito Marron ****½ |
Berkel, Jenny - Pale moon kid -
8½ |
Brown, Carlinhos - Tribalistas
***½ |
Berkel, Jenny - These are the sounds left
from leaving -
9 |
Brown, Emily - A fish of earth
- 8½ |
Berkeley, David - Cardboard boat -
9 |
Brown, Fiona - Mundane
- 9 |
Bernard, Will - Party hats **** |
Brown, Maggie - Maggie Brown
****½ |
Berry, Kris - Berry street -
8 |
Brown, Pieta - In the cool
***** |
Best, Brent - Your dog, champ -
9 |
Brown, Pieta - Remember the sun
**** |
Beth, Jehnny - To love is to live -
8 |
Browne, Pieta - Paradise outlaw
- 8½ |
Bethania, Maria - Brasileirinho
***** |
Brown, Sam - Stop!
*** |
Bethania, Maria - Que falta
voce me vaz ***** |
Browne, Jackson - The naked ride
**** |
Bettens, Sarah - Scream *** |
Browne, Jackson - Lives in the balance
***½ |
Bettens, Sarah - Shine ***½ |
Browne, Jackson - Solo acoustic vol. 1
**** |
Bettie Brussels - Bettie's brein
9 |
Browne, Jackson - Standing in the breach
8 |
Bettie Serveert - Log 22
***** |
Browne, Jackson - Downhill from everywhere
7½ |
Bettie Serveert - Attagirl
**** |
Browne, Michael Jerome - That where it's at!
8½ |
Bettie Serveert - Bare stripped
naked ***½ |
Brox, Kyla - Pain & glory
- 8½ |
BettySoo - When we're gone
8- |
Brubeck Quartet, The Dave -
Time out
- 10 |
Beverly - Careers -
8+ |
Bruce, Belinda - The good life
**** |
Beyoncé - Dangerously in love *** |
Bruce, Jack / Robin Trower - Seven moons
**** |
Beyoncé - B-Day
***½ |
Bruce, Jack - Silver rails
- 8+ |
Beyoncé - Lemonade -
8½ |
Brue, Sammy - Crash test kid
- 7½ |
Bhiman, Bhi - Rhythm & reason
9 |
Bruel, Patrick - Des souvenirs devant
**** |
Biali, Laila - Your requests
9 |
Brun, Ane -
Spending time with Morgan **** |
Biasio, Melanie de - Lilies
9 |
Brun, Ane - A
temporary dive **** |
Bibb, Eric - Friends
**** |
Brun, Ane - Duets
**** |
Bibb, Eric - A ship
called love **½ |
Brun, Ane - When
I'm free -
8 |
Bibb, Eric - Dear America
8 |
Brun, Ane - After
the great storm -
8½ |
Bibi - From Bibi with love
8 |
Brun, Ane - How
beauty holds the hands of sorrow -
9½ |
Bic Runga - Birds ** |
Brunettes, The -
Structure & cosmetics ***½ |
Biel, Julia - Julia Biel
8 |
Bruni, Carla -
Quelqu'un m'a dit ****½ |
Big Time Bossmen - Working on a plan
8 |
Bruni, Carla -
Promises **** |
Bills, The - Til the blues have gone
8 |
Bruni, Carla - A
l'Olympia -
9 |
Bingham, Ryan - Fear and saturday
8+ |
Bruntnell, Peter - Nos da comrade
8½ |
Bingham, Ryan - Watch out for the wolf
8 |
Bruton, Stephen -
From the five **** |
Binion, Terri - Fool **** |
Bryan, Zach - DeAnn
8 |
Bintangs - These hands
8 |
Bryant, Andrew - Sentimental noises
8 |
Bintangs - Heroes, beggars and kings
9 |
Bryant, Danny - Temperature rising
8½ |
Biolay, Benjamin - La superbe
9½ |
Bryant, Danny - Blood money
8 |
Biosphere - Autour de la lune
***½ |
Bryant, Don - Don't give up on love
8 |
Birchwood, Selwyn - Don't call
no ambulance -
8- |
Brynildsen, Hege -
Till Harry -
6+ |
Birchwood, Selwyn - Exorcist -
8 |
Brynildsen, Hege -
When my man comes to town -
8 |
Bird, Jade - Jade Bird -
8 |
Bublé, Michael - Michael Bublé ***½ |
Bird, Wallis - Woman -
8½ |
Bublé, Michael - It's time ** |
Bird, Wallis - Hands -
8½ |
Bublé, Michael - Call me irresponsible **** |
Birdfeeder - Woodstock -
8 |
Bucaro, Clarence - Sense of light **½ |
Birds of Chicago - Real
midnight -
8½ |
Buckingham, Lindsey - Under the skin **** |
Birdtalker - Birdtalker -
8½ |
Buckley - Las Cruces
- 8½ |
Birdy - Beautiful lies -
8½ |
Buckley, Mariel - Everywhere I
used to be
- 8½ |
Birdy - Young heart -
9 |
Buckner, Richard - Dents and shells ***½ |
Birgit - Sticky tales
**½ |
Budos Band, The - Burnt
- 8 |
Birkin, Jane - Arabesque
**** |
Bue, Mary - Holy bones
- 8 |
Birkin, Jane - Rendez-vous
***½ |
Buena, Mutya - Real girl ***½ |
Birkin, Jane - Fictions
*** |
Buena Vista Socia Club - Lost
and found
- 8 |
Birkin, Jane - Oh! pardon tu dormais...
8 |
Buenaventura, Yuri - Vagabundo
**** |
Birth Of Joy - Prisoner
- 8 |
Springfield - Retrospective ***** |
Birth Of Joy - Get well
- 8 |
Bug. Sara - Sara Bug
- 8 |
Bishop, Bonnie - Ain't who I was
- 9 |
Bugg, Jake - Shangri La
- 8+ |
Bishop, Bonnie - The Walk
- 9 |
Bugg, Jake - On my one
- 8½ |
Bishop, Elvin - Can't even do wrong right
- 8 |
Built Like Alaska - Autumnland
***½ |
Biyouna - Blonde dans la casbah
**** |
Buffett, Jimmy - Licence to
chill ***½ |
Bizhiki - Unbound
- 8 |
Buisonjé, Xander - Hemelsbreed
*** |
Björk - Medulla **** |
Buisonjé, Xander - Succes
***½ |
Björk - Volta ****½ |
Bulat, Basia - Oh my darling
***½ |
Bjorklund, Maggie - Shaken
- 8 |
Bumagny, Vanessa - De papel
****½ |
Bjørnstad & Eva Bjerga Haugen, Ketil - Hun Som Kjenner
Tristheten Ved Ting
9 |
Bunton, Emma - Free me
** |
BKO Quintet - Bamako today
9½ |
Bunyan, Vashti - Lookaftering
****½ |
Blachley, Peter - Nevada sky
- 7½ |
Burch, Anna - Quit the curse
- 8½ |
Black Label Society - Mafia
***½ |
Burch, Molly - Please be mine
- 8½ |
Black, Amy - This is home
- 8 |
Burch, Molly - First flower
- 9 |
Black, Frank - Honeycombe
**½ |
Burch, Molly - Romantic images
- 8½ |
Black, Jeff - Tin Lilly
**** |
Burgess, Emily - Are we in love?
- 8½ |
Black, Mary - Full tide
**** |
Burgess, Tim - I believe
****½ |
Black Crowes, The - Warpaint
***½ |
Burgh, Chris de - The road to
freedom **½ |
Black Eyed Paess, The - Monkey business
*** |
Burial - Burial ***½ |
Black Keys, The - Chulahoma
***½ |
Burke, Solomon - Don't give up
on me ***** |
Black Keys, The - Attack & release
**** |
Burke, Solomon - Make do with
what you got **** |
Black Keys, The - Rubber factory
**** |
Burke, Solomon - Soul lucky
*** |
Black Lives - People of earth
8½ |
Burke, Solomon - Nashville
***** |
Black Pumas - Chronicles of a diamond
- 8 |
Burnette, T Bone - The true
false identity ***½ |
Blackmore's Night - Ghost of a rose
**** |
Burns, Aischa - Argonauta
- 7½ |
Blades, Ruben - Mundo
**** |
Burnside, Cedric - I'll be
trying - 8 |
Blake, James - The colour in anything
8 |
Burnside, R.L. - A bothered
mind *** |
Blake, Michael - The world awakes
****½ |
Burrell, Reto - Side A&B
8½ |
Blakeley & Jeff Larson, John -
Yesterday's dream
8 |
Burrito DeLuxe - The whole
enchilada *** |
Blame It On Th Drummer - Stalemate
8½ |
Burson, Clare - Thieves
***½ |
Blanchard, Terence - A tale of God's will
***** |
Bury, Niamh - Yellow roses
9 |
Blanche - Little amber bottles
***½ |
Bus, Nicole - Magnolia
8½ |
Blanche - Empire
8 |
Bush, Kate - Hounds of love
**** |
Blanchoud, Stéphanie - Les beaux jours
8 |
Bush, Kate - The red shoes
**** |
Blaschke, Amy - Opaline
8½ |
Bush, Kate - Aerial ***½ |
Blau, Karl - Introducing Karl Blau
8½ |
Butler, Ljiljana - The mother
of gypsy soul **** |
Blaudzun - _Up_
8½ |
Butler, Ljiljana - The legends
of life ****½ |
Blaudzun - Latter days
9 |
Butsi, Rosa - Fruitful days
8 |
Bleached - Welcome to the worms
8½ |
Bywater Call - Remain -
8½ |
Bleachers - Take the sadness out of
saturday night
9 |
Byrne, David - Grown backwards
**** |
Blek, John - Thistle & thorn
8 |
Byrne, Julie - Not even
happiness -
8½ |
Bley, Carla - Looking for America
****½ |
Byrne, Julie - The greater
wings -
9 |
Blige, Mary J. - Love & Life
***½ |
Byrnes, Bobbo - Motel americana
7 |
Blige, Mary J. - The Breakthrough
**** |
Byrnes, Bobbo - The red
8 |
Blige, Mary J. - Growing pains
**** |
Byrnes, Bobbo - Seagreennumber5
8 |
Blind Lemon Jazz - After hours
9 |
Byrnes, Bobbo - October
7½ |
Blind Lemon Pledge and Friends -
Backwoods glance
8 |
Byrnes, Bobbo - Bobbo Byrnes
8 |
Bliss - Quiet life
****½ |
Byrnes, Jim
- St. Louis time -
8+ |
laatste update: 10-03-25