G, Pamela - Smooth but deadly
9½ |
Gomes, Carmen -
Slings the blues -
9 |
Gabriel, Peter - So ****½ |
Gomez, Marta -
Este instante -
9 |
Gabrielle - Play to win **** |
Gomez, Max Rule
the world -
8½ |
Gainsbourg, Charlotte - Rest
9 |
Gonwell, Andy - Uprooted
**** |
Gaïsha - Ana Aïcha -
10 |
Gonzalez, Jose -
****½ |
Galactic - Into
the deep -
8 |
Gonzalez, Jose -
In our nature
***½ |
Gales, Eric -
Middle of the road -
8 |
Gonzalez, Jose -
Vestiges & chaos
8- |
Galison & Madeleine Peyroux, William
- Got you on my mind **** |
Good Guy Hank -
Silver lining -
8 |
Galjaard & Sebastiaan Wiering, Roos -
Your feet travel hope
9 |
Good Loooks -
Lived here for a while -
8 |
Gallagher, Rory - Blues
9 |
Good Lovelies -
Shapeshifters -
8 |
Gallardo, Chloe - Defamator
9 |
Goodman, S.G. -
Teeth marks -
9 |
Gallup, Annie -
Ghost -
8 |
Goodrem, Delta -
Innocent eyes
**½ |
Gallup, Annie -
Lucy remembers her father -
8 |
Gordon & Re-Play
GR *** |
Gallup, Annie -
Bookish -
9 |
Gordon, Kevin - O
come look at the burning ****½ |
Gallup, Annie -
Oh everything -
9 |
Gore, Martin L. -
Counterfeit 2
*** |
Gallway, Peter -
Muscle and bone -
8 |
Goren, Ray - Ray
7½ |
Gallway, Peter -
Feels like religion -
8 |
Gorillaz - Demon days ***½ |
Gallway, Peter -
Race street -
8 |
Gorka, John - The
company you keep
****½ |
Gallway & the Real
Band, Peter -
Reach for it -
8 |
Gorka, John -
Writing in the margins
***½ |
Gallway & the Real
Band, Peter -
Deliberate -
8 |
Gosling, Agnes -
9 |
Gambarini & Hank Jones, Roberta - You
are there ****½ |
GospelbeacH -
Another summer of love
9 |
Gantry, Chis - The
outlaw bible -
9 |
Goss & Annie Kinsella, Kieran - Oh,
the starlings - 8½ |
Garbage - Bleed like me *** |
Goswell, Rachel - Waves are universal ***½ |
Garbarek, Jan - In praise of dreams
*** |
Gotan Project - Lunatico ***** |
Gardner, Jacco - Cabinet of
curiosities -
10 |
Gothic Cowboy, The
- Bare bones -
8 |
Gardot, Melody - Currency of man -
10 |
Goudi - Midnight fever -
7½ |
Gardot & Philippe Powells - Entre eux
- 8½ |
Gourds, The - Cow,
fish, fowl or pig ***½ |
Gare Du Nord - Club Gare Du Nord
**** |
Gourds, The -
Blood of the ram ***½ |
Gare Du Nord - Sex 'n' jazz ***** |
Gourds, The -
Heavy ornamentals
***½ |
Garibaldi, Katie - Follow your heart
- 6+ |
Gourds, The -
Noble creatures
**** |
Garlin, Rachel - Wink at july
- 8½ |
Jacqueline - Lighthearted years -
9 |
Garner, Beth - Addictions **** |
Gow, Pete - Leo -
8 |
Garniez, Rachelle - Who's counting
- 8½ |
GPsolo - GPsolo -
7 |
Garrett, Case -
Aurora -
7 |
Grace & Tony -
November -
8- |
Gartland, Orla -
Woman on the internet -
9 |
Grace, Glennis -
My impossible dream **½ |
Gathering, The -
Souvenirs ****½ |
Graff, David - Supposed to fly -
7½ |
Gauthier, Mary - Mercy now *** |
Graham, JD - Sergenat of sorrow -
8½ |
Gauthier, Mary - Between daylight and
dark ****½ |
Graham, John Dee - The great
battle **** |
Gauthier, Mary -
Trouble & love -
8½ |
Graham, Lukas - Lukas Graham
5 |
Gavanski, Dana -
Yesterday is gone -
8 |
Grand, C.C. -
Birds -
8 |
Gazarek, Sara - Return to you **** |
Grand Old Grizzly - CosmoNada -
7½ |
Gazarek, Sara - Thirsty ghost -
8½ |
Grand Undoing, the - Sparks rain
down from the lights of love -
8 |
Gelder, Gideon van - Perpetual
- 10 |
Grandaddy - Sumday *** |
GEM - Tell me what's new ***½ |
Grandisky, Mike -
Strange allure -
8 |
Gendron, Myriam -
Not so deep as a well -
9 |
Grant, Bev - It's
personal -
8½ |
Genna & Jesse -
Say ok! -
8 |
Grant, Jenn -
Orchestra for the moon **** |
Gentle Giant - Octopus
10 |
Grant Peeples -
Bad wife -
8½ |
Georgas, Hannah -
All that emotion -
8½ |
Grapes Of Grain -
Unaware -
9 |
Georgas, Hannah -
I'd be lying if I said I didn't care -
8 |
Graves, Steven -
All done -
8 |
George, Inara -
Dearest everybody -
8 |
Gray, David - A
new day at midnight ****½ |
Georgia - Seeking
thrills -
8½ |
Gray, David - Life
in slow motion **** |
Gerard & Compagnie
- Emily, unknown to the world -
9 |
Gray, David -
Mutineers -
8½ |
Gerrard, Alice -
Sun to sun -
8 |
Gray, Josh - Walk
alone -
8 |
Gerrard, Lisa -
Whale rider **** |
Gray, Macy - The
trouble with being myself ***½ |
Gerrard & Patrick Cassidy, Lisa - Immortal memory
***** |
Gray, Macy - Big
*** |
Ghostly Kisses -
Dark room -
8 |
Gray, Macy - The
Way -
8 |
Giant Sand -
Heartbreak pass -
8 |
Gray, Macy - Ruby -
8½ |
Gibb, Robin -
Magnet ** |
Gray, Parker - My
fearless career -
8½ |
Gibboins, Beth -
Lives outgrown -
9 |
Gray, Rose -
Louder, please -
7½ |
Gibson, Claudia -
The fields of Chazy -
9 |
Green, Adam -
Friends of mine **** |
Gibson, Laura -
Loners -
9 |
Green, Adam -
Gemstones **** |
Gibson, Merritt -
Eyes on us -
9 |
Green, Al - I
can't stop ****½ |
Giddens, Rhiannon
- Tomorrow is my turn -
9 |
Green, Al - Everything's ok
*** |
Giddens, Rhiannon
- Tomorrow is my turn -
9 |
Green, Colleen - Cool
8 |
Giddens, Rhiannon
- There is no other -
9 |
Green, Luna - Havanna sessions
8½ |
GIG - Brave new world
8 |
Green, Pat - Lucky ones
**½ |
Gigi - Gigi
**** |
Green, Travis - A little too
8 |
Gilbert, Paul -
Space ship one *** |
Green Crow Collective - Hard
drive error
8 |
Gilberto, Bebel - Bebel
Gilberto *** |
Greene, Liv - Deep feeler
8 |
Gilberto, Bebel - Remixed **** |
Greencards, The - Movin' on
**** |
Gilberto, Bebel - Momento **** |
Greencards, The - Weather on
****½ |
Gilberto, Bebel - Tudo
8 |
Greene, Heather - Five dollar
***½ |
Gilberto, Bebel - Agora
9 |
Greeninger, Keith - Human
8 |
Gilberto, Joâo - In Tokyo ***½ |
Greer, Jennifer - Hey tide
8½ |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Hard times in Babylon ***** |
Gregory, PK - Honkabilly blues
8 |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Land of milk and honey ****½ |
Grekow, Mlejnek &
Mlejnek - Sarakina ***** |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Paradise hotel ****½ |
Griffin, Patty - 1,000 Kisses
****½ |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Your town tonight **** |
Griffin, Patty -
Impossible dream **** |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
The nocturne diaries -
9 |
Griffin, Patty -
Children running through **** |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Secularia -
Griffin, Patty -
Servant of love -
8½ |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
2020 -
Griffin, Patty -
Patty Griffin -
8½ |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Songs from the river wind -
Griffin, Sid - As
certain as sunrise **** |
Gilkyson, Eliza -
Home -
Griffith, Nanci -
Other voices, other rooms ***** |
Gilkyson, Tony -
Goodbye guitar **** |
Griffith, Nanci -
Hearts in mind ***½ |
GiLL - these roads -
7 |
Griffith, Nanci - Ruby's torch
****½ |
Gillespie, Dana -
Cats' meow -
8½ |
Grimes - Art angels
8 |
Gilmore, Jimmie
Dale - Come on back ****½ |
Grimm, Larkin - Parplar
10 |
Gilmore, Thea - Rules for
jokers ***½ |
Grimm and the Family Band, Tim
- A stranger in this time
9 |
Gilmore, Thea -
Avalanche ****½ |
Grimm, Tim - Gone
9 |
Gilmore, Thea -
Harpo's ghost ***½ |
Grinderman - Grinderman
****½ |
Gilmore & Roberts
- Conflict tourism -
9½ |
Grindle, Anna - The turning
8 |
Gilmour, David -
On an island **** |
Grinels, Jenn - Go mine
9 |
Gilmour, David -
Rattle that lock -
8 |
Gris-de-Lin - Sprung
8 |
Gimard, Melodie -
Numen -
9 |
Groot, Boudewijn de - Het eiland in de verte ****½ |
Gimenes, Raphael -
Raphael Gimenrtes Y As Montanhas de Som -
9½ |
Groot, Boudewijn de - Lage landen ****½ |
Giĝrtz, Anne-Marie
- Capital punishment for cars -
9 |
Groot, Boudewijn de - Achter glas -
8 |
Gipsy Kings - Pasajero *** |
Groot, Boudewijn de - Windveren -
8 |
Girls Aloud - Sound of the underground **½ |
Groot, Jan Henk de - Fiene
9 |
Girls Aloud - What
will the neighbours say? *** |
Groove Armada -
Lovebox **** |
Girls Aloud -
Tangled up *** |
Groove Armada - Vertigo
***½ |
Girls In Airports - Fables -
9 |
Groove Armada - Soundboy rock
**** |
G. Love - The hustle ***½ |
Ground Level
Falcons - The new wilderness -
7½ |
Glasper, Robert - In my element **** |
Groundation - A
miracle -
8+ |
Glaspy, Margaret -
8 |
Grundberg, Dina -
Jag ljuger mest om allt -
8 |
Glatt, Jenna -
Jenna Glatt -
8 |
Grupo Fantasma - Comes alive
**** |
Glazerr, Cherry -
Stuffed and ready -
8½ |
Gruppo Sportivo - Great
8 |
Gleeman, Ivo - Wander about -
8 |
Margarida - Cortaro direito -
9 |
Gloaming, The - 2
9 |
Guided By Voices -
Earth quake glue *** |
Gloaming, The - 3
8½ |
Guided By Voices -
La la land -
8½ |
Global Sounds 2005 ****½ |
Guierreiro, Katia
- Nas maos do fado ***½ |
Glossy Jesus - The
Hunt -
8½ |
Guierreiro, Katia
- Tudo ou nada **** |
Glover, Dana - Testimony **** |
Guillen & the
Girls, Katy - Katy Guillen & the Girls -
8½ |
Gnahoré, Dobet -
Na Afriki ****½ |
Guinan, Danny - Now is the time
- 8 |
Gnahoré, Dobet -
Djekpa la you -
9½ |
Gundersen, Noah -
Ledges -
9 |
Gnahoré, Dobet -
Miziki -
9 |
Gunn, Steve - Eyes on the lines
- 8 |
Gnarls Barkley -
St. Elsewhere ****½ |
Gunther Brown - Good nights for
- 8½ |
Go Back To The Zoo
- Zoo -
8 |
Gunther Brown - North wind
- 8½ |
Go-Betweens, The -
Oceans apart **** |
Gunther Brown - Heartache & roses
- 8 |
Goddess Group,
Dave - Back in business -
8 |
Gurls - Run boy, run
- 8 |
Gogol Bordello -
Super taranta! **½ |
Gurney, Paul - Blue horizon
- 8 |
Göksel - Ayda Yürüdüm **** |
Guru, Ella - The first album
**** |
Gold, Ethan -
Earth city: The Longing -
8 |
Gustafsson, Rigmor
- Close to you ***½ |
Golden Earring - Millbrook USA **** |
Gustafsson, Rigmor
- Alone with you ****½ |
Goldfrapp - Black cherry ***½ |
Guthrie & Johnny Irion, Sarah
Lee - Exploration
**** |
Goldfrapp -
Supernature **** |
Guthro, Bruce - Beautiful life
***½ |
Goldman, Sharon -
Kol Isha (W woman's voice) -
10 |
Guy, Buddy - Blues
singer **** |
Goldstone, Sarah -
Waving -
8 |
Guy, Buddy - Bring
em in **** |
Goller, Ruth -
Skyllumina -
9 |
Gypsy Soul - True
8½ |
Gomes, Nessi -
Diamonds & demons -
10 |
laatste update: 24-02-25